How to Do the Work: Recognize Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Your Self


Dr. Nicole LePera, a.k.a. "The Holistic Psychologist"  on Instagram, is a renowned psychologist, author, and advocate for mental health and personal growth. Known for her unique approach, Dr. LePera combines traditional psychological principles with a holistic perspective, recognising that true healing encompasses all aspects of an individual's mind, body, and spirit.

LePera's journey toward self-healing and personal development began with her struggles. Overcoming her own trauma and mental health challenges, she developed a deep understanding of these experiences' profound impact on one's life, which is why her compassionate and relatable writing style creates a safe space for readers.

And let’s face it: everyone has endured some level of trauma. The question is whether we realise our subconscious patterns that are hindering our personal growth. LePera delves into childhood trauma, limiting beliefs, and toxic patterns, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding our deepest fears and insecurities and encouraging us to confront our emotional wounds head-on. Despite sounding clinical and repetitive, it skillfully combines psychological theory with practical exercises, allowing readers to explore their emotions and behaviours at their own pace while equipping them with practical strategies and activities to encourage self-reflection and personal transformation.

It might just be the catalyst you've been searching for to overcome your trauma.

Key takeaways:

  • Self-awareness is the foundation for personal growth and healing

  • Unresolved trauma and subconscious patterns can hinder our progress

  • Somatic practices and mindfulness can help us connect with our bodies and emotions

  • Developing healthy boundaries and self-compassion is crucial for personal growth

  • Cultivating meaningful relationships and community support enhances our well-being

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Carmen Ho

Carmen started the blog as a place to encourage slow travel by storytelling her travel experiences. When she’s not at her desk, she divides her time between exploring the city she calls home and planning her next outing.


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