Becoming Carmen

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L'Occitane Verveine: A Bottle of Zing and Zest

With anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, verbena was long considered to have healing and cultural symbolism to many civilisations: the Greeks and Romans used its sacred branches to purify temples; the Egyptians believed it first sprung from the tears of the goddess Isis; Scandinavian worshippers of Thor used it in ceremonies and rituals.

Verbena carries a naturally citrusy scent that gradually blooms into a clean sweetness, which makes it incredibly captivating when paired with other citrus aromas. L’Occitane’s Verbena, or Verveine in French, is a zesty unisex fragrance built upon this scent family and slowly expanded since launching its Verbena collection in 2013.

I adore floral aromas, but sometimes the top notes fade quickly depending on the weather – not L’Occitane’s Verveine, which is sharp enough to pierce through Hong Kong’s hot, humid summers and stays clean and fresh throughout the day.

Have you tried citrusy fragrances before? I'd love to know if you have a favourite and why you love it if so!

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